
Grifola frondosa

Hen of the Woods, Dancing Mushroom, Sheep’s Head, Ram’s Head, Cloud Mushroom

Season: All Year


Maitake mushrooms, scientifically known as Grifola frondosa, are a fascinating and highly valued species in the world of fungi. Also known as "Hen-of-the-Woods" or "Dancing Mushroom," they possess a range of interesting attributes. Maitake mushrooms have a distinctive appearance, with a clustered and frilly structure resembling a hen's ruffled feathers, hence their common nickname. Native to Japan and North America, they are renowned for their rich, earthy flavour and meaty texture, making them a popular ingredient in various culinary dishes.

The name "Maitake" is derived from the Japanese language, where "mai" translates to "dance" and "take" means "mushroom." This name is believed to have originated from the mushroom's historical significance, as finding a maitake in the wild was considered a cause for celebration, prompting people to dance with joy. The Latin name, Grifola frondosa, refers to the genus Grifola and the frond-like appearance of the mushroom.

In terms of nutrition, maitake mushrooms offer a wealth of health benefits. They are low in calories and fat while being rich in essential minerals like potassium and copper. Maitake mushrooms are also known to contain bioactive compounds, including beta-glucans, which have immune-modulating properties and may support overall immune health. Additionally, they are a good source of dietary fibre and provide various vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin D, further enhancing their nutritional value.